If you’re looking at the Coromon that are available in the game right now and thinking that there are so many choices that you can’t possibly decide which ones will make the cut in your final team, then fear not. Today, we’re going to have a look at some of the most potent and powerful Coromon that you can capture, and give you our highlights for the must-try critters:
Number 10 – The Starters

These guys are likely to stick around in your team for the entirety of your playthrough and as far as the elemental options go, they rank really high against their competitors. Not only are each of the starters a great pick against their elemental competitors throughout the game stats-wise, but they also have the perfect availability due to the auto-recruit of the encounter.

With their recruitment, you can cross off one elemental type covering from your list. While it is true that Bearealis and Megalobite do have an advantage over Volcadon due to either their typing or their access to the move “Splash”, this doesn’t mean that taking Volcadon as your start is a bad decision as you’re not going to be constantly encountering the other starts. However, if you’re playing against your friends and trying to decide which starter to take, the ones with Splash have a big advantage over the ones that don’t. (Hint, hint.)
Number 9 – Dugterra

Dugterra earns the number nine spot on this list for its ridiculously high physical attack stat. While it’s true that sand has poor defenses and its typing doesn’t help, you don’t need to worry about defending if you’re attacking first and killing your opponent in one strike anyway. That is where Dugterra comes in. It’s fast, it hits like a truck, and you’re going to be marveling at its physical attack stat growths compared to that of the other members of your team.
Dugterra takes the phrase “the best defense is a good offense” and turns it up to eleven.
Number 8 – Pitterbyte

This little guy might not be the first image the pops into your head when you think of a chunky Coromon, but let me tell you – he is! The little rocket-bug just refuses to die. It will not be felled by bug spray or just about anything else a Coromon can throw its way. Why do I say this? Well, the little guy has an enormous HP stat allocation and some pretty decent defenses to go along with it.
While his defenses aren’t the best in the field, combined with the sheer level of health that Pitterbyte has naturally, leaves you with a little critter that can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.
If you’re looking for a generalized tank, this is your pick.
Number 7 – Magmilus

I’m placing Magmilus on this list for many of the same reasons that Pitterbyte made it on – they’re both fantastic tanks. Whereas Pitterbyte is a generalized tank that specialized neither in physical or special attacks, Magmilus has a much-enhanced special defense stat with HP almost as high as Pitterbyte’s – it’s also pretty quick!
If you’re anticipating a lot of special attacks coming your way, swap to Magmilus and laugh them off!
Number 6 – Purrghast

You’ve likely heard of the expression, “screw the rules, I have money” and Purrghast takes a very similar approach in Coromon. Not in that it will earn you extra gold, but Purrghast’s approach is “screw the rules, I have special attack”.
Pretty much regardless of what you’re going up against typing or defense-wise, Purrghast can ignore it with its otherwordly special attack stat.
If you’re looking for a glass cannon that can nuke any enemy, this is your cat.
Number 5 – Magnamire

While it’s true that Magnamire has excellent stats and is going to be difficult to kill, and can deal out plenty of damage with its potent physical attack stat, those great stats are not the only reason that Magnamire is on the list.
Magnamire has access to four different traits. That’s right, four! And each of them provides plenty of potential utility. You really cannot go wrong with any of the four options, so there isn’t any disappointment to be found when rolling a specific one.
You’ll either get:
- Lowering the speed stat of an opponent when making contact.
- A 20% chance to inflict the haze status affliction when battling.
- A 50% chance to return failed capture spinners.
- a 25% chance to prevent the opponent from switching or fleeing.
While those are not as potent as the later Coromon on the list, the sheer number of options that you have with Magnamire will have you thanking yourself for using one on your playthrough.
Number 4 – Eclyptor

Our wolfyboi is on the list for many of the same reasons that Purrghast is. He’s a special attacking monster. But there are a few differences between the two. To begin with, Eclyptor is mighty fast. It’s going to be a very rare case when you’re not going first in battle, and what does defense matter when you hit first and hit hard.
The second difference, and one of the key reasons that Eclyptor is higher up on this list, is that he has access to the trait Dark Atmosphere – The Coromon starts twilight upon entering a battle.
Having this trait instantly reduces the accuracy of your foe by 10% just for not being a ghost type, thus making our fast glass cannon more likely to survive a return fire, as that return fire has a high chance of not connecting.
Number 3 – Lumasect

Lumasect is a bit of a jack of all trades, except that it is really, really fast. Like, insanely fast. Like, you will not go second with an appropriately-leveled Lumasect.
Naturally, that speed alone is not going to net Lumasect a place on this list, so we’re going to have to delve into its attack type availability and one of its traits.
We’re going to need a Lumasect with the “Amplified” trait. This ability will increase the damage of every super effective attack that Lumasect lands. This, combined with the vast variety in Lumasect’s natural movepool, results in a fast attack that can handle a huge variety of typings in its foes.
Number 2 – Malavite

Simply put, Malavite is the ultimate tank Coromon. It has amazing stats in both defenses, and while the Sand type might be susceptible to some weaknesses in typing, Malavite’s combination of stats and trait means that it can pretty much ignore whatever is going on around it – as is evident by its vacant expression.
Malavite’s trait allows it to reduce the damage done by critical hits by 25%, which gives it a huge leg up on the only weakness that applies to all tank-like Coromon within the game.
This isn’t the only advantage that Malavite has on other tank-like Coromon as most of them sacrifice their attack and special attack to have larger defenses and health pools, Malavite also has a monstrous physical attack stat. This isn’t some helpless golem only able to take attacks and not dish them out, this guy is going to put on the hurt when his turn rolls around.
Number 1 – Chonktoad

Chonktoad is a fantastic Coromon for gaining the advantage in a battle through methods that aren’t directly attacking. He’s a great utility Coromon. If you’re anticipating a long battle, or you’re struggling with a specific trainer against a specific team, then Chonktoad likely holds the answer somewhere in its kit.
Why do I say this? Because Chonktoad has an excellent selection of talents that are going to provide huge utility regardless of which one your particular Chonktoad rolls with:
Humidifier – The Coromon makes it rain upon entering a battle.
Excellent for setting up a rain team. If you’re crushing enemies with powered-up water attacks that deal an extra 50% damage each turn, and you can keep the rain up by swapping on Chonktoad when necessary – you’ll quickly come to appreciate the Chonkyboi.
Toxic Skin – The Coromon has a toxic skin. Any contact with it has a 50% chance to poison the attacker.
Having trouble with a specific Coromon? Or getting owned by a trainer’s ace Coromon? Swap in your Chonktoad, absorb plenty of hits with his longevity, and constantly whittle down the enemy health bar thanks to its toxic skin.
Prepared – The Coromon is always prepared for a battle, doubling its Speed upon entering a battle.
Perhaps not as potent as a utility as your other two options for a trait, but the speed can really help you finish off low-health enemies that would otherwise outspeed and tarnish your team’s overall health.
It’s for all this combined that makes Chonktoad the perfect utility Coromon, earning its place at number one.
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Program | Founding Writers |
Author | Luke Cowling |
Publisher | MGN |
Game | Coromon |