Outriders – GOLEM’S LIMB Legendary Weapon Review

The more I talk about this game, the more hyped I become and I truly cannot wait for the full release on April 1st. We’ve already covered two legendary weapons here at MGN, now let’s move on to Golem’s Limb! Golem’s
Limb is one of Outriders’ legendary pump-action shotguns and honestly, It’s very hard not to sound like I’m repeating myself with how these weapons look, but…wow! This gun is truly stunning.

The way the electricity is pulsing through the shotgun, whilst rocks are slightly hovering above it like it’s damaged and subsequently pieced together, is just so visually pleasing. The design team that’s coming up with these awesome looks is clearly very talented and I cannot wait to see more. Now, let’s talk stats and mods.

Golem’s Limb

Stats and mods

The clip size is 6, the RPM is at 68, the damage is sitting at 144, whilst reload speed is 2.1 seconds, and finally, the crit multiplier is 125%. For me personally, 6 shots does seem a little small as there are other pump-action shotguns in the game right now with a larger magazine size.

Accuracy is 78%, stability is 21%, and range is quite short at 15 meters, which is to be expected. With the stability being only 21%, I personally don’t think that’s bad at all. If you’re using this shotgun at long range, then you’re not utilizing it to its full potential. Stability doesn’t necessarily matter when you’re standing close to enemies, ready to blow off their limbs.

The mods on Golem’s Limb are very unique indeed. The first mod is called Golem Rising, which personally is my favourite mod for this weapon. Killing shots grant you a protective Golem effect for three seconds. In other words,
your body gets covered in rock, forming an armour-like structure very similiar to the Devastators second ability.

The second mod for Golem’s Limb is called Vampire, whereby killing shots grant a 15% Skill leech boost for 20 seconds. Personally, this isn’t as appealing as the Golem Rising mod as the Vampire mod acts as a passive. Nothing is visual, so most of the time you don’t really realize it’s happening, especially with all the chaos going on on-screen.

My opinion

As I stated at the very start of this blog, the weapon design is fantastic. Most of the weapons we’ve seen so far have had this organic, bone-like feel to them, making Golem’s Limb the first gun that I’ve seen that genuinely feels separated from the others in terms of its visual design.

The team at People Can Fly really know what they’re doing and this makes really anticipate seeing more of their stuff in the full release. As you’re holding the gun, you can see the electricity pulsating through it, from the trigger to the barrel; I feel sorry for anyone that’s on the other side of this thing.

The way that the armour forms around your body as you splatter every enemy in your path is so satisfying, and you really do feel that you take less damage from enemy fire. This type of build would be absolutely crazy for a class like the Devastator, which can already encase your body in rock armour, making you well-nigh immune to damage.

But while that’s on cooldown, you’ve also got the Golem Rising mod to keep you covered too, gaining life back from killing enemies that are close to you. Crazy builds can be made with this. I really do believe this gun to be quite the powerful one, which is why I am giving it a solid 9/10. The only thing that is keeping me from giving Golem’s Rising top marks is its second perk, Vampire. You really don’t notice this mod taking effect at all making it feel quite underwhelming.

Legendaries are very hard to get hold of, and I have a team working on the grind with me so that I can get these reviews to you. Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below. Do you have this weapon? Do you like it? Would you keep the Vampire mod or change it for something else if you could? Good luck in your chase for these weapons, and see you in the next one!


ProgramFreedom! Scholarship
AuthorBrad Hahn
YouTuberBrad Hahn
PublisherMGN TV

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