Classes in Dark Deity are split up into six different trees, with the ranger, warrior, cleric and mage available during the first mission, and then the rogue and adept coming shortly thereafter. Today we’re going to go through a pretty comprehensive guide on everything to do with the Rogue class. What you can expect from using Rogue characters, where you can take them, their stats and skills, and all the information that you need to plan your Rogue characters accordingly.
Naturally if you want to avoid spoiling the class unlocks, or the characters that are available later in the game, you should turn back now, because there’s going to be spoilers aplenty from hereon out.

Normally in the genre Rogue would fill the roll in the party of generally a thief. They’re for stealing items from enemies that can’t be dropped. They’re for opening doors and looting chests. But, those mechanics have been improved to allow any unit to operate doors or chests, and enemies will always drop their inventory on death. So, what roll does the Rogue fill, if those aren’t a necessity?
Well, they can fit a few rolls, and it entirety depends on what you want from them, and what your party composition needs. If you’re in the need for another tank, Rogues can make some of the best in the game. Combine their natural evasion through any promotion tree, with artifacts that improve your chance to dodge (like the strengths adds to dodge chance artifact) and you will have a Dodge-Tank. With these sort of builds, often you can funnels waves of enemies at your dodge tank, with their chance to hit you reduced to 1%.
If that’s not something that you need, but you still want to use some rogue characters, fear not, because they can also fill some other gaps in your team too. You can specc them heavily into crit chance and crit damage, and have yourself a Rogue nuker. Or, follow the mobility path and whittle down enemies for your allies, or even use that mobility to make your Rogue a disarm-bot. Disarm is an extremely useful utility, and having it on a high mobility characters is a huge plus. Take Thief early for the +2 disarm range, then Slayer late for the 8 movement, and you’ve got yourself a pro disarm-bot.
We’re going to start with the stats and abilities of the base class in Rogue, then the stats and abilities of each of the promotional options at level ten, then finally the stats and abilities of the final promotions at level thirty.
The Base Class:

Damage Type – Piercing
Armor Type – Leather
Movement Range – 5
Attack Range – 1
Class Skill – Remove an enemy’s weapon bonuses for 1 turn.
Level 10 Promotions:

Damage Type – Piercing
Armor Type – Leather
Movement Range – 6
Attack Range – 1
Class Skill – Guaranteed to hit enemies below 20% HP.
Class Skill – 5% chance to instakill. (300 Damage to bosses, affected by criticals)

Damage Type – Slashing
Armor Type – Leather
Movement Range – 6
Attack Range – 1
Class Skill – Speed increases armor penetration.
Class Skill – Disarm range +2.

Damage Type – Piercing
Armor Type – Chain
Movement Range – 6
Attack Range – 1
Class Skill – Power, crit, dodge and accuracy increased by 15% when no adjacent allies.
Class Skill – Defense increased by 20% of Dexterity.

Damage Type – Cleaving
Armor Type – Plate
Movement Range – 7
Attack Range – 1
Class Skill – Power increased by 35% against enemies at full health.
Class Skill – 3% chance to gain a stat-up item after a kill.
Level 30 Promotions:

Damage Type – Slashing
Armor Type – Leather
Movement Range – 6
Attack Range – 1
Class Skill – Gain 50% crit for 1 turn after every 2nd kill.
Class Skill – +20% crit damage per deployed friendly rogue.

Damage Type – Projectile
Armor Type – Leather
Movement Range – 6
Attack Range – 1-2
Class Skill – Crits have a Speed% chance to deal an extra 50% damage.
Class Skill – Disarm range +2.

Damage Type – Piercing
Armor Type – Chain
Movement Range – 6
Attack Range – 1
Class Skill – Power increased by 20% for 1 turn after killing an enemy, stacking.
Class Skill – Crits heal for 20% HP.

Damage Type – Cleaving
Armor Type – Plate
Movement Range – 8
Attack Range – 1
Class Skill – Power +4% for each kill, stacking.
Class Skill – Power +35% against full health enemies.
Characters who are Rogues in Dark Deity include:

Default Skill – +50% effect from healing items.

Default Skill – Crit Modifier increased against full health enemies.

Default Skill – Allies within 2 tiles gain +8% Mastery.

Default Skill – 8% chance to dodge, separate from normal calculation.

Default Skill – Mastery further increases armor penetration.
Closing Thoughts
That’s going to wrap things up for our overview of the rogue class. If you’ve had particular success with speccing a character down a certain class line, with grabbing specific level 10 and level 30 class skills, we’d love to hear about your success (or failure!) on the blog, our YouTube channel of course, the new twitter @MGN_TV, and our new discord. Links for all of these are in the description of the video overview.
Dark Deity: Class Overview Part 6 – Adept
Program | Founding Writers |
Author | Luke Cowling |
YouTuber | Luke Cowling |
Publisher | MGN |
Game | Dark Deity |