Top 6 favorite weapon pairing PvP builds in New World!
0:00 Intro
00:17 Fire Staff + Ice Gauntlet
10:26 Warhammer + Ice Gauntlet
13:01 Sword + Bow
24:05 Spear + Hatchet
29:10 Musket + Hatchet
31:30 Spear + Hatchet
00:17 Fire Staff + Ice Gauntlet
The Fire Staff’s mana intensity is so high that there’s a reason they offer you an ultimate that boosts your mana regeneration by 500/500. Because the fire staff is so mana-heavy, there are a number of passives here that offer you extra mana regeneration, but the great thing about the Ice Gauntlet is that we have Entombed. It’s just really cool thing when used in PvP because who wants to be sitting in things that are hurting them?
With that, we’ll utilize the combo of weapons to maintain our mana levels up so we can keep casting the Fire Staff’s enormous spells. You also have the Ice Gauntlet’s raw and fantastic utility to supplement what the Fire Staff lacks in terms of crowd control and defensives.
We don’t need to take three abilities since the Fire Staff and the Ice Gauntlet are so mana-demanding, and it gives us an extra passive point in something that is extremely wonderful, and the Fire Staff has a number of passives that are really fantastic.
Fire Staff abilities: Incinerate is fantastic for PvP since it lets you do damage, apply a burning debuff, and drive people away from you, which is ideal for melee opponents. If you cast those two abilities for this Fireball ability, you’ve already used half your mana, making it mana-expensive, and their cooldowns are quite short: 12 seconds on Incinerate and 15 seconds on Fireball.

Ice Gauntlet abilities: Ice Storm is one of the game’s most amazing powers. When you place it on top of someone, it slows down their mobility by 25% and shortens their dodge distance. Ice Shower was fantastic before they polished it, and it’s much better now. It’s a one-by-five-meter ice wall that frostbites your opponent while they’re standing in it and for three seconds after they leave, frostbitten enemies are slowed by 50. They cannot dodge, they cannot sprint.

10:26 Warhammer + Ice Gauntlet
If you have 500 attribute points, you can focus on melee with 300 Constitution and 200 Strength. This is the construct you play with your buddies because while it doesn’t deal a lot of damage, it can really knock people out.
War Hammer abilities: You don’t pick anything from the Juggernaut tree save for War Hammer powers. Clear Out, Shock Wave, and Path of Destiny are the three options. This build isn’t very powerful until you obtain Aftershock, which is the ultimate. A target is delayed by 25% for four seconds whenever they are impacted by a crowd control effect. And all of these are crowd control effects. Shockwave stuns, Clear Out knocks opponents to the ground, and Path of Destiny staggers.

Ice Gauntlet abilities: We’ll opt for 300 Constitution, which will raise our crowd control durations by 20 seconds, and medium or heavy armor, which will increase the CC durations by another 20 seconds.
This setup is ideal for PvP in the open world between two small parties. You’ll be the one rushing about and slowing down the opponents while your colleagues do massive damage and don’t have to aim as much.
13:01 Sword + Bow
This combo is going to be fantastic in a solo PvP build, so if you want to put in some serious work as a solo, this is the build for you.
We’re going to use Evade Shot, which requires you to jump back five meters and shoot an arrow. You do a lot of damage (125 weapon damage) and you’re putting distance between you and your opponent right now. The next excellent ability is one that you’ll almost certainly want to include in every build.

Bow abilities: Rapid Shot, three successive arrows with 325 weapon baseline damage, no extra passives, and it knocks back the last shot with a knockback of 20 seconds cooldown. It’s going to be difficult in PvP if you hit all three arrows. However, if you do it, your cooldown will be reduced by 50%.

The arrow does not split directly off your bow if you have Splinter Shot. It needs to go 10 meters before splitting, so it’s a little harsh. However, if you’ve grown extremely proficient with the bow and limiting and maximizing your distance with the Splinter shot, it could be possible.

Knee Shot makes a pretty decent slot which is a little bit more than it’s normal 50 slow for four seconds. It got nerfed quite sizably actually going down to 15-20% for four seconds which is still pretty good even a five percent gross movement speed advantage over your opponent is massive in PvP.

Sword abilities: this may be quite useful in a variety of situations. You should absolutely be choosing Shield Bash because it is your largest stun and will allow you to grab the most bait if you land it. It just opens up a lot of options: you can move away from your opponent and get a lot of space, which is generally what you want with the bow, or you can go around to the rear.
When you need to close the gap on your opponent with the sword and shield, but don’t want to since you’re wheeling the bow, you go Whirling Blade and get this 20 for five seconds, which is amazing, and combining it with a counterstrike may be extremely good.
24:05 Spear + Hatchet
Also referred to as the “pioneer.” This will be your ultimate gap-closing and damage-inducing move. Hatchet and Great Axe are the strongest gap-closing weapons in the game, but the Spear is truly amazing, making it one of the top PvP weapons. There will be less gap-closing, but there will be a lot more damage and usefulness.

Hatchet abilities: Berserk is one of the finest ability lines in the game, so you’ll certainly want it. You’ll desire this and Feral Rush since it will allow us to close a small deficit. Two gap closers will be present. Berserk is similar to a pseudo-gap closure in that it grants you 20 movement speed throughout the duration of Berserk, which is 15 seconds.

Then there’s Feral Rush, which is only an add-on for all of these passes and perhaps not devastating strikes. You may select whether or not you desire Crippling Strikes, and if you do, you’ll want high-value social distance. You’re going to toss an axe that deals weapon damage, slow down, and hop back and avoid with it.

Spear abilities: You’ll sweep them and deliver 75 damage with Coup de Grace, then follow up with a downward spear attack that does 125 percent weapon damage and knocks your opponent to the ground. They are unable to conduct activities, and it is a wonderful value and an ability that we will want to follow up Sweep with.
29:10 Musket + Hatchet
This combination is a lot of fun since a lot of the abilities aren’t overpowering, but they’re all very excellent, and there are a lot of them.
Musket abilities: Powder Burn and third passive Chronic Trauma increase the Powder Burn debuff if you headshot, but how many times are you going to headshot someone with Powder Burn?
This is where you’ll utilize your initial ability, as well as your Stopping Power and traps, and you’ll surely want trap damage if they fall into the trap. It will offer you 20 rend, which is fantastic. The last passive additional repulsion is the explanation for Stopping Power.

The musket is so good because you’ll be administering a fairly hefty debuff, which will function as a slow that lasts for a long time, making it simpler to gap close with the Hatchet’s Berserk.
Hatchet’s abilities: so, you’re going to use Hatchet as your primary weapon? In that case, when battle begins, you’ll want Powder Burn shot loaded up in the bag. You’re going to Powder Burn and then immediately load your Stopping Power. Load the stopping power with a bang.

You’ll drop all of your traps and then tag the individual with Stopping Power, which will give you a wonderful ten percent slow for eight seconds. As soon as they slow down, you’ll want to switch back to your main weapon.
31:30 Life Staff + Hatchet
In a group situation, this is a lot of fun. It’s the ultimate of the Hatchet, and it’s extremely excellent for PvP. You can use it solo depending on how wonderful the Life Staff is.
Hatchet abilities: If an opponent is being healed by a member of their group with the Life Staff, we may strike them with Infected Throw and they will receive 30 less healing for the following five seconds, allowing you to burst that character down. They will receive less healing and will cause less damage.
Distancing yourself from others is still beneficial. You’re going to toss the hatchet and inflict some damage while also generating some more space between you and your opponents and slowing them down. So, if you’re on your Life Staff and you’re healing your allies, they’ll want to shift their attention to you.

Life Staff abilities: On the healer side of things, Divine Embrace is a must-have for PvP and burst healing. The right people will participate in competitive PvP. People will band together and concentrate their efforts on a single target, attempting to inflict massive burst damage.
Program | Founding Writers |
Author | Alice Parilla |
Youtuber | Studeee |
Publisher | MGN |
Game | New World |