Dragon’s Bane on Hu Tao
In this Genshin Impact guide, we’ll be testing Dragon’s Bane on Hu Tao to see how good it really is. We’ll compare it against Deathmatch, which is the best four-star weapon for her.
In this demonstration, we use 2-piece Witch (Crimson Witch of Flames). Also, standard HP, High roll, and crit damage.
In regards to Dragon’s Bane, it has pretty much the same base attack damage as Deathmatch, but base attack is not a major factor for Hu Tao. Dragon’s Bane has much higher multipliers compared to the Deathmatch.

Dragon’s Bane Vs. Deathmatch Comparison
Dragon’s Bane did come out ahead, despite it being very hard to quantify crit rate. However, Deathmatch edged it out when factoring in the possibility of missing a few crits here and there.
Dragon’s Bane does get much better when you factor in refinements.
Author | Curtis Pyke |
YouTuber | MartinGa1e |
Program | Freedom! Scholarship |
Publisher | MGN TV |
Game | Genshin Impact |