STOP Pre-Ordering Games — CyberPunk 2077

Lewis Spears says what everyone (should) be thinking: it’s time to STOP pre-ordering games, especially after the debacle that was Cyberpunk 2077! It was promised to be the best game ever made and spent eight years in development, the entire world was excited to play this game, and then what happened? They released a bug-laden, broken catastrophe. Can you believe that?

The lesson from this fiasco is simple, nobody should pre-order digital games anymore. Period. How many times do we have to go through this before we learn our lesson? You get promised stuff, you give them your money, and then instead of them finishing the game and then releasing it in a polished state, the reverse happens. Release a buggy mess first, polish it up later.

Lewis goes on to say that we as consumers, need to stop encouraging this behaviour. If game developers can’t deliver things when they say, then we need to stop pre-ordering, stop giving them our money. Imagine if a restaurant served you undercooked meals that made you throw up? Would you go back? And yet, we keep doing that exact thing in the game industry.

Also, has Keanu Reeves ever developed a video game? No! Yes, he is a great actor, and his movies should be seen but as soon as a developer puts more effort into marketing rather than finishing their game, people should start getting sus.

Paying for something before it is finished is a bad idea. That’s such an obvious truth. No more half-finished games, please.

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