Hades – How to reveal the hidden Aspects

Hades is an action-packed, blood-spurting, god-hacking roguelite RPG where the player takes control of Zagreus, the son of the Greek god of the dead, Hades. Players will guide Zagreus through dungeons collecting weapons and powerful upgrades from other gods in an attempt to escape the Underworld and the oppressive grip of his father.


As the player progresses through the game, they will unlock more Infernal Arms for Zagreus to use, which can later be changed with Weapon Aspects to add a further twist to their gameplay. This guide can walk you through unlocking the final, secret, hidden Weapon Aspects for each Infernal Armament.

Infernal Arm 1: Varatha, the Eternal Spear

Hidden Aspect – Aspect of Guan Yu

In order to unlock the other hidden Aspects in Hades, the player will first need to have obtained the Aspect of Guan Yu, and as such we’re going to start with the Spear first.

The first step in unlocking the hidden aspect of the Spear is to ensure that the player has purchased the Fated List of Minor Prophecies from the House Contractor for 20 gems. This will include “Reveal The Aspect of Guan Yu” from the fated list.

The second step is to at least reach the final boss of the game and trigger the cutscene therein. It should be noted that the player doesn’t need to defeat the final boss, only reach the interaction. With that completed, the player will next need to spend at least 5 “Titans Blood” on Aspects of weapons that are not the default unlocks.

Next, the player will want to talk with Achilles as often as possible until the text includes the phrase “I see you through the eyes of the crimson phoenix”. With that text trigger, the player will be able to approach the spear pedestal, attempt to select an Aspect, and the hidden Guan Yu will be unlocked!

Infernal Arm 2: Stygian Blade

Hidden Aspect – Aspect of Arthur

The second Hades Aspect I’ll list here will be for the starting weapon, Zagreus’ signature Stygian Blade. The prerequisite for unlocking, as mentioned earlier, is that the player much first reveal the hidden spear Aspect.

The second task is that the player will need to spend at least 5 “Titans Blood” on other sword Aspects, with at least one having been spent on each of the other available Aspects. With that completed, we’ll want to speak to Nyx as often as possible, until the player receives the phrase “I see your kingly pardon from a prison of stone”.

With that text trigger, the player will be able to approach the sword pedestal, attempt to select an aspect, and the hidden Aspect of Arthur will be unlocked!

Infernal Arm 3: Heart-Seeking Bow

Hidden Aspect – Aspect of Rama

The third hidden Aspect listed will be for Zagreus’ bow, the Heart-Seeker. Again, in order to reveal the latter hidden Aspects, the player will first need to have obtained the spear.

Our next step is to again spend at least 5 “Titans Blood” on bow upgrades, with at least one being spent on each of the other Aspects. With that completed, we’re going to need to talk to Artemis with our bow equipped during a playthrough until we receive the phrases:

“Hey, how’d you get your hands on a nice bow like that? You take good care of Coronacht for me, so I can try it too once you’re up here.”


“I see you drawn in the arms of the seventh avatar.”

With those text triggers, the player will be able to approach the bow pedestal, attempt to select an Aspect, and the hidden Aspect of Rama will be unlocked!

Infernal Arm 4: Shield of Chaos

Hidden Aspect – Aspect of Beowulf

The fourth Hades hidden Aspect we’re going to grab is for Zagreus’ Shield of Chaos. Don’t let the name fool you, we’re going to be dealing out plenty of damage with our defensive armament. As with the other hidden aspects, grab the spear first.

The next step will be to spend at least 5 “Titans Blood” on shield Aspects, with at least one being spent on each of the other currently available aspects.

Following that, you will need to speak with Chaos with the shield equipped, until you receive the phrases:

“You come to my domain bearing an all-seeing artifact that sprang from me after the dawn of time. It is considered a defensive instrument, I do believe. Though, I suspect you have discovered, or soon shall discover, it is nothing of the sort.”


“I see you stand your ground against the serpent’s flame.”


“I bear a message for you, Son of Hades. One recorded in an age when certain concepts it describes did not yet all exists. Remember this: I see you stand your ground against the serpent’s flame. A waking-phrase, to which you and the all-seeing artifact of my creation may respond.”

With those text triggers, the player will be able to approach the shield pedestal, attempt to select an Aspect, and the hidden Aspect of Beowulf will be unlocked!

Infernal Arm 5: Twin Fists of Malphon

Hidden Aspect – Aspect of Gilgamesh

The next Hades aspect we’re going to work towards are the meaty claws of Gilgamesh, giving us the ability to maim foes and look cool doing it. As with the others, grab the hidden aspect for Zagreus’ spear before attempting the fists.

With that out of the way, the player will next need to get their hands on some more Titan’s Blood and spend at least five on fist upgrades, including one in each of the other available aspects.

Once the blood has been spent, you’ll need to track down Asterius solo, as the keyphrases we’re looking for won’t be triggered if Asterius is not by himself. Once you’ve tracked him down with the fists equipped, you’ll need to keep encountering him until you receive the phrases:

“Huh. You mean to fight with me bare-handed this time, short one? I’m not ashamed to say the Champion himself defeated me in such a manner back when we drew breath.”


“I see you overcome the wild and make peace with death.”

With those text triggers, the player will be able to approach the fists pedestal, attempt to select an Aspect, and the hidden Aspect of Gilgamesh will be unlocked!

Infernal Arm 6: Exagryph, the Adamant Rail

Hidden Aspect – Aspect of Lucifer

The final Hades aspect we’ll cover today is for the Adamant Rail which will help you unlock the hidden Aspect of Lucifer. Grab the hidden aspect for the Spear first, then you’re right as rain to work on the Lucifer.

Next, we’ll want to spend at least five “Titan’s Blood” on other Adamant Rail Aspects, with at least one being spent on the other currently available aspects.

After that, we’ll need to track down Zeus during a playthrough with the Adamant Rail equipped, until we can get him to produce the phrase “I see your prideful fall down from the heavens to the flames.”

With that text trigger, the player will be able to approach the Rail pedestal, attempt to select an Aspect, and the hidden Aspect of Lucifer will be unlocked!


ProgramFounding Writers
AuthorLuke Cowling

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