Friday Night Funkin’ Soft mod is not your standard FNF mod. Instead of staying within the usual boundaries, this mod colours outside the lines in terms of the characters and their interests, so to speak. You’ll meet up with the original characters that you definitely enjoy, as well as journey with soft boyfriend and his lover soft Pico, as bf tries to become a painter. Yes, you read that right. No, not a house painter. A painter-painter.
BF decides to run away from home to be with Pico, leaving behind his mom, his Dad, and even his girlfriend. Will bf’s parents and gf understand? Will he achieve his dream of becoming a painter, and not a battle rapper? Prepare to go on an emotional roller coaster ride with this off-canon Friday Night Funkin’ Mod. Don’t forget the tissues.
Download Friday Night Funkin’ VS Soft mod here: https://gamebanana.com/mods/312803
Download Friday Night Funkin’ here: https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkin
bruh lol i like bf not gf so i do not care bf is bet as not gf cuz she is a demond