Outriders – Item Restoration NEW Details | Legendaries, “God Rolls”, And New Timeline

Spotlight’s on the aggressive gunplay RPG shooter game Outriders, focusing on character and inventory restoration. A lot of players have stopped playing Outriders due to server issues, multiplayer problems, inventory wipes…in short, it’s been rough. However, things are in motion once again for the game. 

The team released a new set of posts, the first batch since the patch went live, which fixed the dreaded character wipe issue. The real focus of the post was to talk about the inventory restoration process, expanding on the details so that players have a better understanding of who and what will actually occur once all is said and done. 

Outriders review | PC Gamer

0:42 The team has confirmed that items returned to players will have the same attributes as before but will have God Roll values. This means that the item itself will be, at a minimum, just as good as it was when you lost it or significantly better. Items will also be restored at the highest possible level taking into consideration a character’s world tier and challenge tier. This means there is a chance your gear will return to you at a higher item level. 

Who will be affected?

1:10 The developers are focused on three groups of people: group A – the characters that lost gear and are no longer playable, group B – the characters that lost gear and are playable, and group C – the players that weren’t impacted at all. The team wants to make sure the restoration process doesn’t inadvertently impact those people when they restore everything.

Group A – the ones that lost everything and can’t access their characters: Here’s what will be restored. All items, regardless of rarity, that were equipped during the wipe, all legendaries that were in your inventory, the 20 most-recently acquired items with epics taking up priority over non-epics, and all fully-completed accolades.

Group B players – the ones that lost items but could still access characters: Here’s what will be restored. Up to 20 legendary items that were in your inventory and all fully-completed accolades. For clarity, this means that group B players will not have their equipped items restored or any non-legendaries. It seems like these group B players were the hardest to identify on the back end which is why they seem to be getting the shaft when it comes to this restoration process. 

Group C players: all of the rest that weren’t impacted won’t see any changes. 

2:19 What’s not included in the notes is anything about player stashes that were affected. This is obviously a big issue for a lot of players since that’s often where they would store their legendaries. It remains to be seen if those will be restored to individual characters or if the stash just isn’t part of the restoration process. Obviously, that will ruffle a lot of feathers if it doesn’t happen. And at least as far as I can tell, there doesn’t look to be any indication that the stash will be restored. 

As far as the date is concerned, the bad news is that nothing is locked in quite yet. The team has said they are working on an ASAP schedule, which means it’s a top priority, but in terms of a specific day and time we are going to have to wait. How crippling have these issues been for the game’s community? According to SteamDB, over half of the population has already stopped playing and I’m sure that trend isn’t exclusive to the PC.

3:21 There was a community appreciation pack which the team was putting together as an act of goodwill for players that dealt with the technical drama. That is still planned and will still occur after the item restoration process. The team has expanded their requirements to include pretty much everyone that’s played the game. Anyone that logged in between March 31st and April 16th will be eligible and that just about loops in everyone in the community. The pack will include a level-appropriate legendary, a chunk of titanium, and a Frustration emote all granted to your highest level character.

Outriders Developer Promises Community Appreciation Package For Launch  Issues

3:52 The team is also working on a Stadia update that will help bring that platform more in line with the other major platforms. We have a few players in our community that play on Stadia and haven’t had nearly as many problems as some others, but they do lag behind in terms of performance and updates. 

4:07The team is also planning on addressing more bugs and performance issues as well as gameplay balance in a future update.

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